Peter G. Pape
Background Information

Curriculum Vitae - Technical Publications and Presentations
Books and Chapters
P.G., “Silane Coupling Agents”, in Modern Plastics Encyclopedia, McGraw-Hill, New York (1985-1986).
Pape, P.G. and Plueddemann, E.P., “History of Silane Coupling Agents in Polymer Composites”,
in: History of Polymeric Composites, VNU Science Press, pp. 105-139 (1987).
Pape, P.G.and Plueddemann, E.P., “Methods for Improving the Performance of Silane Coupling Agents”,
in Silanes and Other Coupling Agents, K.L. Mittal, ed., VSP, Utrecht (1992).
Pape, P.G., “Coupling Agents, Silanes (Adhesion Promoters)’, in The Polymeric Materials Encyclopedia, J.
C. Salomone, ed., CRC Press, Cleveland (1996).
Pape, P.G., “Silylation”, in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technnology, 4th Edition, Vol. 22, pp.
143-154, J. Wiley, New York (1997).
Pape, P.G., “Silylation”, in Kirk-Othmer Concise Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, pp. 1821-1823, J
Wiley, New York (1999).
Hauenstein, D.E., Cimbalik, D.J., and Pape, P.G, “Evaluation of Process Aids for Controlling Surface
Roughness of Extruded LDPE, in Imaging and Image Analysis Applications for Plastics, Prof. Dr.
B. Pourdeyhimi, ed., ChemTec Publishing (June, 1999).
Pape, P.G., “Silylating Agents”, in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, on-line edition, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., posting date: June 16, 2006.
Pape, P.G., “Adhesion Promoters “, Chapt. 15 in Handbook of Adhesives and Surface Preparation – Technology, Applications
and Manufacturing, Sina Ebnesajjad, PhD ed., Elsevier, London, New York (2011).
Pape, P.G., “Adhesion Promoters: Silane Coupling Agents”, Chapt. 29, in Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook, Meyer
Kutz, ed., 1st Edition, Elsevier, London, New York (April 04, 2011).
Pape, P.G.and Willing, D.N., U.S. Patent 4,486,336, “Silicone Foam-Suppressant Compositions”, Dec. 12, 1984.
Daunheimer, S.A., LeGrow, G.E., and Pape, P.G., European Patent 0507469, “Adhering Coating of Nail
Lacquer to Nail Surface”, October 7, 1992.
Pape, P.G. and Gassman, P. G., “The Chemistry of 7-Substituted Norbornenes”, Tetrahedron Letters,
pp. 9-12 (1963).
Pape, P.G. and Gassman, P. G., “The Chemistry of 7-Substituted Norbornenes - The Reaction of
Bicyclo (2.2.1) hept-2-en-7-one with Peracid”, Journal of Organic Chemistry, pp. 160-163 (1964).
Pape, P.G., Sanger, J.E., and Nametz, R.C., “Tetrabromophthalic Anhydride in Flame-Retardant
Polyurethane Foam”, Journal of Cellular Plastics (1969).
Pape, P.G., “Catterische di Inflammibilita della Resine”, Poliplasti Plastici. Rinforzati. Milan 19, p. 24
Pape, P.G. and Stewart, H. F., “Rubber Modification with Mercaptosilicones”, Meeting Abstracts, Rubber
Chem. and Technol. (1972).
Schiefer, H. M. and Pape, P. G., “Used of Silicones in Process Plants”, Chemical Engineering, p. 123
(Feb. 8,1982).
Pape, P.G. and Schiefer, H.M., “Uses of Silicones in Process Plants”, Materials Engineering Forum,
pp. 1-4 (1982).
Pape, P.G., “Silicones: Unique Chemicals for Petroleum Processing”, J. Petroleum Technol., 35(7),
1197-204 (June, 1983)
Plueddemann, E.P.; Pape, P.G. “Mixed Silanes Can Give Composites a Performance Boost”,
Mod. Plastics, 62 (7), pp. 78-84 (July, 1985).
Pape, P.G., “Silane Coupling Agents”, Modern Plastics Encyclopedia, pp. 123-124 (1985).
Plueddemann, E.P., Pape, P.G., and Bank, H.M., “New Coupling Agents for Improved Corrosion-
Resistant Composites”, Polym.-Plast. Technol. Eng., 25(3-4), 223-31(1986).
Pape, P.G. and Plueddemann, E.P., “Methods for Improving the Performance of Silane Coupling
Agents”, J. Adhes. Sci. Technol., 5 (10), 831-42 (1991).
Witucki, G.L. and Pape, P.G., “Silane Coupling Agents”, Coatings Journal, Book Review, (March,
Pape, P. G.; Plueddemann, E. P., “Improvements in Silane Coupling Agents for More Durable Bonding
at the Polymer-Reinforcement Interface”, Engineering Plastics, Vol. 6, pp. 196-207 (1993).
Pape, P.G., “Silane Coupling Agents”, Society of Plastics Engineers; Polymer Modifiers and Additives
Division Newsletter, Vol. X, No 3, P. 1-7, (Spring, 1993).
Pape, P.G., “Silicones as Additives”, Plastics Formulating & Compounding, Vol 2, No 3, p. 16-22
(May/June, 1996).
Pape, P.G., “Silane Coupling Agents: Enhancement of Physical Properties of Plastics”, Engineering
Plastics, Vol. 9, p. 109 (1996).
Pape, P.G.; Furukawa, H.; Romenesko, D.J., “New Silicone Additives for Thermoplastic Resins: Effect on
Processing and Physical Properties”, Engineering Plastics, pp. 351-363 (Jan., 1997).
Hauenstein, D.E.; Cimbalik, D.J.; Pape, P.G., “Evaluation of Process Aids for Controlling Surface
Roughness Extruded LLDPE”, J. Vinyl and Additive Technol., Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 242-248 (1997).
Pape, P.G.; Romenesko, D.J., “The Role of Silicone Powders in Reducing the Heat Release Rate and
Evolution of Smoke in Flame Retardant Thermoplastics”, J. Vinyl and Additive Technol., Vol. 3,
No. 3, pp. 225-232 (1997).
Pape, P.G.; Romenesko, D.J., “The Effect of Powdered Silicone Additives as Flame-Retardant Synergists
in Thermoplastic Fire-Retarded Plastics”, Recent Adv. Flame Retard. Polym. Mater. (1997), 7,
238-252 (1997).
Pape, P.G., Hauenstein, D.E. and Lupton, K.E., "New Silicone Processing Aids for the Extrusion of
Linear Low Density Polyethylene", J. Plastics Film & Sheeting, April, 1999.
Ryan, K.J., Lupton, K.E., Pape, P.G. and John, V.B., “Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Functional Siloxane
Additives in Polymers. Effects on Processing and Properties”, J. Vinyl & Additives Technol., Vol. 6,
No. 1, 7-20 (March, 2000).
Pape, P.G., “Moisture Crosslinking Process for Foamed Polymers”, J. Vinyl & Additives Technol., Vol. 6,
No. 1, 49-52 (March, 2000).
Pape, P.G., “Moisture Crosslinking Process for Foamed Polymers”, Best Paper Award-Foams Conference,
re-published in SPE Polymer Modifiers and Additives Newsletter, Spring, 2000.
Papers Presented at Technical Conferences
Gassman, P.G. and Pape, P.G. “The Synthesis of Bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-en-7-one”, ACS National Meeting,
Los Angeles (1963).
Pape, P.G.; Nulph, R. J.; Nametz, R. C., “Flammability Characteristics of Polyesters Based on
Tetrabromophthalic and Tetrachlorophthalic Anhydrides”, 23rd Annual Tech Conf Society Plastics
Industry, Section 19-A, pp. 1-6, Washington, DC (1968).
Pape, P.G., Sanger, J.E., and Nametz, R.C., “Tetrabromophthalic Anhydride in Flame-Retardant
Polyurethane Foams”, Society of Plastics Engineers Polyurethanes Conference, , p. 1-6, New York
Pape, P.G.; Neal, C.E.; LeGrow, G.E., “3-Trimethoxysilylpropanethiol and 3-Methyldimethoxy-
silylpropanethiol”, Dow-Dow Corning Spring Scientific Meeting, Midland (1970).
Pape, P.G., “The Chemistry of Thiol-Functional Silicone Addition to Carbon-Carbon Double Bonds”,
Dow-Dow Corning Spring Scientific Meeting, Midland (1970).
Pape, P.G. and Stewart, H.F., “Rubber Modification with Mercaptosilicones”, American Chemical
Society, Rubber Division Meeting (1972).
Pape, P.G., “Rubber Modification with Mercaptosilicones”, Midland Section, American Chemical
Society, Fall Scientific Meeting, Midland (1973).
Pape, P. G., “Silicones: Unique Chemicals for Petroleum Processing”, 56th Ann. Tech. Conf., Soc. of
Petrol. Eng. of AIME, San Antonio, 14 (Oct. 5-7, 1981)
Pape, P.G. and Plueddemann, E.P., “The Use of Mixed Silane Coupling Agents”, The Society of the
Plastics Industry, Reinforced Plastics; Session 17-F, p. 1-4 (1985)
Plueddemann, E.P., Pape, Peter G. and Bank, H.M., “New Coupling Agents for Improved Corrosion-
Resistant Composites”, 41st Conf. Reinforced Plast./Comp. Inst. SPI ( Jan. 27, 1986).
Pape, P.G. and Plueddemann, E.P., “History of Silane Coupling Agents in Polymer Composites”, ACS
Meeting, Div. of History of Chem., Los Angeles (Sept. 10, 1986).
Pape, P.G. and Finzel, W.A., “Organofunctional Silanes as Adhesion Promoters for Protective Coatings”,
(U.S.), Paint Show, Atlanta, Ga. (November 6, 1986).
Plueddemann, E.P. and Pape, P.G., “Adhesion Enhancing Additives for Silane Coupling Agents”,
Reinforced Plastics Conf., SPI, Cincinnati (Feb. 2, 1987).
Pape, P.G. and Plueddeman, E.P., “Surface Treatments of Industrial Minerals for Polymer Composites”,
Les Mineraux Industriels, pp. 269-290, Quebec City, Canada (March 9, 1989).
Pape, P.G., “Applications of Silicon Based Chemicals in the Plastics Industry”, Chemspec USA ‘90
Symposium, pp. 1-8 (1990).
Pape, P.G. and Plueddemann, E.P., “Techniques for Improved Bonding at Composite Interfaces Using
Silane Coupling Agents”, RETEC Conf., Soc. Plast. Engineers, Los Angeles, CA (October 18, 1990).
Pape, P.G., “The Chemistry and Use of Silicon-Based Chemicals in Plastics Compounding”, 1990
Business Communications Company Conference on Plastics, p. 1-22 (November 28, 1990).
Pape, P.G. and Plueddemann, E.P., “Methods for Improving the Performance of Silane Coupling Agents”,
Symposium Honoring the 75th Birthday of Edwin P. Plueddemann, Midland (March, 1991).
White, J. W., Pape, P. G., Romenesko, D. J., Imai, T. and Morita, Y., “New Silicon Modifiers for Improved Physical Properties
and Processing of Thermoplastics and Thermoset Resins”, Annu. Tech. Conf. - Soc. Plast. Eng., 49th, Montreal, 1904-6
Pape, P. G. and Plueddemann, E. P., “Improvements in Silane Coupling Agents for More Durable Bonding at the Polymer-
Reinforcement Interface”, Annu. Tech. Conf. - Soc. Plast. Eng. 49th, 1870-5 (May 7, 1991).
Pape, P.G., “Silane Coupling Agents for the Treatment of Glass Fibers”, 1991 Owens-Corning Technical
Conference, Granville, OH (September 16, 1991).
Pape, P.G., “Silicones in Plastics”, Society of Plastics Engineers, Southeastern Ohio Section Meeting
(December 10, 1991).
Pape, P.G., “Key Factors Affecting the Performance of Silane Coupling Agents in Highly Filled Resin
Systems”, Intertech Conference, Polymer Concrete ’92, Newark (March 5, 1992).
Pape, P.G., “Coupling Agents in Filler Reinforcements - Strengthen Products and Sales”, MARBELCON
’93, Cultured Marble Institute Annual Convention, p. 1-15, Orlando (Feb 18, 1993).
Pape, P.G., “Silane Coupling Agents in Composites”, NASA-WPAFB HiTEMPle Conference on
Composites, Cocoa Beach, FL (Jan. 31, 1994).
Pape, P.G., “Silane Coupling Agents: Enhancements of Physical Properties of Plastics”, Society of Plastics
Engineers, Regional Technical Conference, p. 201-209 (October 18-19, 1994).
Pape, P.G., Furukawa, H. and Romenesko, D.J., “New Silicone Additives for Thermoplastic Resins: Effect
on Processing and Physical Properties”, Society of Plastics Engineers, Regional Technical Conference,
White Haven, PA (October 16, 1995).
Pape, P.G. and Romenesko, D.J., “The Effect of Powered Silicone Additives as Flame Retardant
Synergists in Thermoplastic Fire Retarded Plastics”, BCC Conference on Flame Retardancy,
Stamford, CT, pp. 1-15 (May 22, 1996).
Pape, P.G. and Angelotti, N.C., “Analytical Methods for Indentification of Silanes and Silicones
in Plastics”, Society of Plastics Engineers, Regional Technical Conference, p.187-196,
Atlantic City (Sept. 26, 199
Hauenstein, D.E., Cimbalik, D.J. and Pape, P.G., “Evaluation of Process Aids for Controlling Surface
Roughness of Extruded LLDPE”, Annu. Tech. Conf. - Soc. Plast. Eng. 55th Vol. 3, 3002-3010, Toronto (May 2, 1997).
Pape, P.G. and Romenesko, D.J., “The Role of Silicone Powders in Reducing the Heat Release Rate
and Evolution of Smoke in Flame Retardant Thermoplastics”, Annu. Tech. Conf. - Soc. Plast. Eng.
55th, Vol. 3, 2941-2952, Toronto (May 2,1997).
Pape, P.G., Hauenstein, D.E. and Lupton, K.E., "New Silicone Processing Aids for the Extrusion of Linear Low Density
Polyethylene", Society of Plastics Engineers, International Conference on Polyolefin Additives, Houston (Feb. 24,
Lupton, K.E., Pape, P.G. and John, V.B, "Ultra High Molecular Weigh Silicone Additives in Polyolefins –
Effects on Processing and Properties", Society of Plastics Engineers, International Conference
Conference on Polyolefin Additives, Houston (Feb. 24, 1998).
Lupton, K.E., Pape, P.G. and John, V.B, "Ultra High Molecular Weight Silicone Additives in Polyolefins–
Effects on Processing and Properties", Paper presented at the TPO’s in Automotive ’98, Novi, MI, October, 1998.
Lupton, K.E., Pape, P.G. and John, V.B., "Ultra High Molecular Weight Silicone Additives in Polyolefins–Effects on
Processing and Properties", Society of Plastics Engineers, Paper Presented at
Polyolefins XI, Houston, TX, February, 1999.
Ryan K.J., Lupton, K.E., Pape, P.G. and John, V.B., “Ultra High Molecular Weight Siloxane Additives in
Polymers - Effects on Processing and Properties”, Society of Plastics Engineers, Annual Technical
Conference, New York, May, 1999.
Pape, P.G., “Silicon-Based Technology for Surface Treatment of Minerals”, Paper presented at
Coupling Agents and Surface Modifiers ‘99, Intertech Conference, Atlanta, GA,
September 22-24,, 1999.
Pape, P.G., “Moisture Crosslinking Process for Foamed Polymers”, Paper presented at Foams ‘99, The
First International Conference on Thermoplastic Foam, New Brunswick, NJ, October 20, 1999.
Lectures in Short Courses
Pape, P.G., “Silicones as Plastics Additives”, Automotive Seminar, Michigan State University Conference
Center, Troy, MI (1986).
Pape, P.G., “Silicones and Silanes as Plastics Additives”, Society of Plastics Engineers, Polymer
Modifiers and Additives Division, Plastics Additives Tutorial Seminar, Morristown, NJ (1986).
Pape, P.G., “Silicon-Based Plastics Additives”, Society of Plastics Engineers, Regional Technical
Conf., Tutorial Seminar, Chicago, IL (June 8, 1992).
Pape, P.G., Industrial Use of Primers”, Adhesion Short Course, The Center for Professional
Advancement, New Brunswick, pp. 1-36 (September 20, 1992).
Pape, P.G., “Industrial Use of Primers”, Engineering with Adhesives, Short Course, Center for
Professional Advancement, East Brunswick, NJ (July 26, 1993).
Pape, P.G., “Silane Coupling Agents as Adhesion Promoters”, Fundamentals of Adhesion, Short
Course, State U. of New York at New Paltz, Orlando (March 30, 1994).
Pape, P.G., “Silane Coupling Agents as Adhesion Promoters”, Fundamentals of Adhesion, Short
Course, State U. of New York at New Paltz, Orlando (March 8, 1995).
Pape, P.G., “Silane Coupling Agents as Adhesion Promoters”, Fundamentals of Adhesion, Short
Course, State U. of New York at New Paltz, Orlando (March 13, 1996).